Wrestling Blog
  So Impact Wrestlings big pay perview is coming up and they have begun their build towards that event and more and more it looks like Crimson is going to be working against the World Champion whoever that will be come BFG. I like Crimson he has a great look and can work a match theirs room for improvement but thats always the case. Maybe they keep the big strap on Angle and he and Crimson can work the main event i guarantee you that would be a good match because Kurt Angles involved. Kurt may not be what he was only a few short years ago but when he wants to be he is still one of the best in the world.

  Sting Hogan? This match at BFG keeps getting whispered and i cannot say i would be excited to see this one I could find this match acceptable for a mid card bout but if the show goes of air after the Sting vs Hogan match Impact Wrestling in my opinion would be showing the world once again they have no faith in their own ability to find and build home grown talent. some may argue with me that this Hogan Sting Storyline involving the fate of the company and Dixie Carter is such a important part of the show it has to be the main event. If that may be the case why would Impact Wrestling build their show around two guys over the ago of 50 years old it shows no long term business plan or agenda. The biggest Impact Wrestling Storyline has to be built around new young guys. 

  For those of you that are Impact Wrestling fans I plan to begin watching them again and blogging about the show I have been on a break from Impact Wrestling since Sting picked up the Joker Gimmick in my opinion its so bad it is unwatchable but if people are enjoying it to each his own. Im going to give Impact a shot again and hopefully i don't see Sting continuing to kill his legacy. 

  Their is one thing I have to say about Impact that is a phuenominal idea which is the Bound For Glory Series. It's different first off a point system is something I dont think I have seen in pro wrestling since WCW Crockett days the series mentions Bound For Glory every episode and every match in the series it can only help to pound that name into peoples minds.